This professional course is designed for those who already have experience using the Apollo GDS system and wish to gain knowledge on Sabre GDS system. This is a conversion course for those Users wanting to convert onto Sabre Training system.
This conversion includes practical training on the Apollo Conversion GDS system, Final examination, Freeform on practice after completion and certification.
Course Includes...Sabre for Apollo Users Module
- Encoding and Decoding on to the Amadeus system
Passenger Data into a PNR
Change and Delate Data
Rebooking Entries
Itinerary pricing and Ticketing
Enter and Change Remarks
Enter Adress, AFAX abd GFAX
Frequent Flyer Data
Waitlisting, Open Segments
Fare Quotation
Fare Rules
Display and Assign Seats
Divide and Reduce Party
Verify Itinerary
Car Quotes, Rules & Policies
Hotel Indexes, Description and Bookings
Final Assessment Exam
Sabre Red Classic Emulator
Assessments & Practice
• There are Quizzes at the end of each assessment learnt. The Sabre Conversion Course Professional Systems training course - includes a personal log in to sign on and sign off the professional emulator.
The course includes:
• An agent sign on and sign off login
• 20 Hours of study
• Lessons and Drills (Quizzes) to assess your learning and progress
• Final assessments for all three areas of the course known as Exam Emulators
• Support & guidance throughout your course
You will receive 2 certificates: